Pattern Recognition

International Journal - Research Title

Kumaravel, N., Kavitha, V., (1994) ' Automatic Diagnosis of Neuro-muscular diseases      using Neural Network' ,     Biomed. Sci. Instrum., 1994, Vol-30,   pp 245-250.


S.Sasikala and N.Kumaravel,(2000)‘Optimal Auto Regressive Model based Medical Image Compression using Genetic Algorithm’, Biomed. Sci. Instrum.,2000, Vol-36 ,pp 110-115.


S.Sridhar and N.Kumaravel,(2001) ‘Automatic Segmentation of Medical Images for  Renal   Calculi Analysis’, Biomed. Sci. Instrum.,2001, Vol-37, pp 405-410.


S.Sridhar and N.Kumaravel  (2002), ‘Segmentation of Renal Calculi in Ultrasound images’, International Journal of Medical Informatics and Internet in Medicine, Volume 27,     Number 4, December 2002, pp 229-236.


 M.Sasikala and N.Kumaravel , ‘Segmentation of Brain MR images using modified Fuzzy C-means clustering with a genetically optimized approach’, International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Scieces, Vol 12 No.1 , pp 59-68, 2007


 M.Sasikala and N.Kumaravel, ‘ A wavelet based optimal texture feature set for classification of brain tumours’, International Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology,2007,1-8


M.Sasikala and N.Kumaravel,’ A comparative analysis of feature based image fusion methods’, Journal of Information Technology, 6(8): 1224-1230, 2007


Nirmaldevi,S,   and  Kumaravel,N et al A novel segmentation method using multiresolution analysis with 3D visualization for X-ray coronary angiogram images.J Med Eng Technol. 2008 May-Jun;32(3):235-44.


Sasikala,s and Kumaravel, N , “ A wavelet-based optimal texture feature set for classification of brain tumours.    J Med Eng Technol. 2008  May-Jun;32(3):198-205.


.Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Texture Analysis of Bone Images for Classification and Characterization of Bone Quality’. International Journal of Soft Computing, Vol 4(5),pp 223-238, 2009


Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Segmentation and Classification of Jaw Bone CT Images Using Curvelet Based Texture Features’ Bangladesh Journal Medical Sciences, Vol 9, Issue 1. pp 33-43, Jan-Mar 2010


Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Assessment of Trabecular Bone Texure from CT images by Multi-resolution Analysis and Classification using SVM’ International Journal on Oral Implantology and Clinical research, Vol 1, Issue 2, pp 13-18, May-August 2010


 Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Jaw Bone Classification using Contourlets’ International Journal on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol 4 , No 4, 2010


 Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Wavelet based Texture Analysis and Classification of Bone Lesions from Dental CT’ International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, Vol 2. No 3. 2010


 Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘ Multiresolution based Texture Analysis of Jaw Bone Lesions’ European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 51, Issue 3, 2011


 Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘ Curvelet based Textue Parameters to Characterize changes in Jaw Bone with Age and Gender’International Journal of Tomography and Statistics, Vol 16, pp 30-40, Nov 2011


Palanivel J and Kumaravel,N ‘An efficient Breast cancer screening system based on Support Vector Machines with Fuzzy C Means clustering’ European Journal of scientific Research Vol 51, No 1, 2011  pp 115-123

International Conference - Research Title

S.Sridhar and .N.Kumaravel (2002) ‘Expert system for Renal Calculi Analysis’, Int. Conf. on    Artificial intelligence in Engg & Technologies at Universiti Malaysia Sabah ,17-18 , June  2002.


GaneshVaidyanathan.S,N.Kumaravel, and B. Kar , ‘Chromosomal Grouping System Using Tree Structured Discriminant Functions’ , The 12th International Conference On Biomedical   Engineering 7 – 10 December 2005 Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition   Centre, Singapore.


M. Sasikala, and  N. Kumaravel , , ‘Comparison of Feature Selection Techniques for Detection of   Malignant Tumor in Brain Images’, INDICON, 2005 Annual IEEE Volume , Issue , 11-13   Dec. 2005 Page(s): 212 – 215


Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Bibhas Kar and Kumaravel N “ Chromosomal Grouping system using tree structured Discriminant functions” Proceedings of 12th International conference on Biomedical Engineeing , December 2005 , Singapore


Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Natesan Kumaravel and Bibhas Kar., ‘A Novel Method for Identification of Mutually Occluding Text Pattern’, International Conference on Signal Processing System (ICSPS 2009)15 - 17, May 2009, Singapore


Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Natesan Kumaravel and Bibhas Kar., ‘A Novel Technique for Identification of Partially Hidden Metaphase Chromosomes’, , International Conference on Signal Processing System (ICSPS 2009)15 - 17, May 2009, Singapore.


Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Bibhas Kar and Kumaravel N “ Novel Technique for Identification of Partially Hidden Metaphase Chromosome” International Conference on signal Processing Systems , IEEE Computer Society 2009.


 Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Bibhas Kar and Kumaravel N “ Novel Technique for Resolving mutually occluding Text Patterns” International Conference on signal Processing Systems , IEEE Computer Society 2009.

National Conference - Research Title

N.Kumaravel and S.Sridhar(2002),’Expert system for renal calculi analysis’, Proc. Of Medical    Informatics and Telemedicine conference 2002, Sri Ramachandra Medical College  Research  institute, India, pp 23 (abstract).


N.Kumaravel, Srinivasan.K, Vaidyanathan, G and .Bibaskar,’Chromosome image Enhancement Using Multiscale Differential Operators Applied to 400-Band Photomiographs’   JCECON-06, 7-8 April 2006