Pattern Recognition
S.No | International Journal - Research Title |
1 |
Kumaravel, N., Kavitha, V., (1994) ' Automatic Diagnosis of Neuro-muscular diseases using Neural Network' , Biomed. Sci. Instrum., 1994, Vol-30, pp 245-250. |
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S.Sasikala and N.Kumaravel,(2000)‘Optimal Auto Regressive Model based Medical Image Compression using Genetic Algorithm’, Biomed. Sci. Instrum.,2000, Vol-36 ,pp 110-115. |
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S.Sridhar and N.Kumaravel,(2001) ‘Automatic Segmentation of Medical Images for Renal Calculi Analysis’, Biomed. Sci. Instrum.,2001, Vol-37, pp 405-410. |
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S.Sridhar and N.Kumaravel (2002), ‘Segmentation of Renal Calculi in Ultrasound images’, International Journal of Medical Informatics and Internet in Medicine, Volume 27, Number 4, December 2002, pp 229-236. |
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M.Sasikala and N.Kumaravel , ‘Segmentation of Brain MR images using modified Fuzzy C-means clustering with a genetically optimized approach’, International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Scieces, Vol 12 No.1 , pp 59-68, 2007 |
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M.Sasikala and N.Kumaravel, ‘ A wavelet based optimal texture feature set for classification of brain tumours’, International Journal of Medical Engineering and Technology,2007,1-8 |
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M.Sasikala and N.Kumaravel,’ A comparative analysis of feature based image fusion methods’, Journal of Information Technology, 6(8): 1224-1230, 2007 |
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Nirmaldevi,S, and Kumaravel,N et al A novel segmentation method using multiresolution analysis with 3D visualization for X-ray coronary angiogram images.J Med Eng Technol. 2008 May-Jun;32(3):235-44. |
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Sasikala,s and Kumaravel, N , “ A wavelet-based optimal texture feature set for classification of brain tumours. J Med Eng Technol. 2008 May-Jun;32(3):198-205. |
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.Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Texture Analysis of Bone Images for Classification and Characterization of Bone Quality’. International Journal of Soft Computing, Vol 4(5),pp 223-238, 2009 |
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Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Segmentation and Classification of Jaw Bone CT Images Using Curvelet Based Texture Features’ Bangladesh Journal Medical Sciences, Vol 9, Issue 1. pp 33-43, Jan-Mar 2010 |
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Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Assessment of Trabecular Bone Texure from CT images by Multi-resolution Analysis and Classification using SVM’ International Journal on Oral Implantology and Clinical research, Vol 1, Issue 2, pp 13-18, May-August 2010 |
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Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Jaw Bone Classification using Contourlets’ International Journal on Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol 4 , No 4, 2010 |
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Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘Wavelet based Texture Analysis and Classification of Bone Lesions from Dental CT’ International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, Vol 2. No 3. 2010 |
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Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘ Multiresolution based Texture Analysis of Jaw Bone Lesions’ European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol 51, Issue 3, 2011 |
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Kalpalatha Reddy, T and Kumaravel,N ‘ Curvelet based Textue Parameters to Characterize changes in Jaw Bone with Age and Gender’International Journal of Tomography and Statistics, Vol 16, pp 30-40, Nov 2011 |
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Palanivel J and Kumaravel,N ‘An efficient Breast cancer screening system based on Support Vector Machines with Fuzzy C Means clustering’ European Journal of scientific Research Vol 51, No 1, 2011 pp 115-123 |
S.No | International Conference - Research Title |
1 |
S.Sridhar and .N.Kumaravel (2002) ‘Expert system for Renal Calculi Analysis’, Int. Conf. on Artificial intelligence in Engg & Technologies at Universiti Malaysia Sabah ,17-18 , June 2002. |
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GaneshVaidyanathan.S,N.Kumaravel, and B. Kar , ‘Chromosomal Grouping System Using Tree Structured Discriminant Functions’ , The 12th International Conference On Biomedical Engineering 7 – 10 December 2005 Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore. |
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M. Sasikala, and N. Kumaravel , , ‘Comparison of Feature Selection Techniques for Detection of Malignant Tumor in Brain Images’, INDICON, 2005 Annual IEEE Volume , Issue , 11-13 Dec. 2005 Page(s): 212 – 215 |
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Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Bibhas Kar and Kumaravel N “ Chromosomal Grouping system using tree structured Discriminant functions” Proceedings of 12th International conference on Biomedical Engineeing , December 2005 , Singapore |
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Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Natesan Kumaravel and Bibhas Kar., ‘A Novel Method for Identification of Mutually Occluding Text Pattern’, International Conference on Signal Processing System (ICSPS 2009)15 - 17, May 2009, Singapore |
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Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Natesan Kumaravel and Bibhas Kar., ‘A Novel Technique for Identification of Partially Hidden Metaphase Chromosomes’, , International Conference on Signal Processing System (ICSPS 2009)15 - 17, May 2009, Singapore. |
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Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Bibhas Kar and Kumaravel N “ Novel Technique for Identification of Partially Hidden Metaphase Chromosome” International Conference on signal Processing Systems , IEEE Computer Society 2009. |
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Ganesh Vaidyanathan, Bibhas Kar and Kumaravel N “ Novel Technique for Resolving mutually occluding Text Patterns” International Conference on signal Processing Systems , IEEE Computer Society 2009. |
S.No | National Conference - Research Title |
1 |
N.Kumaravel and S.Sridhar(2002),’Expert system for renal calculi analysis’, Proc. Of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine conference 2002, Sri Ramachandra Medical College Research institute, India, pp 23 (abstract). |
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N.Kumaravel, Srinivasan.K, Vaidyanathan, G and .Bibaskar,’Chromosome image Enhancement Using Multiscale Differential Operators Applied to 400-Band Photomiographs’ JCECON-06, 7-8 April 2006 |